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Better off as Friend

It's strenuous to catch up with things that gyrate around you, incessantly. it kills. and you know what? The heart is not so raw when it sees from somewhere not so close and exhaustive. sorry. it's better off a void stuck between. it's better off we carry on as friend.

it doesn't mean i don't care for you anymore. but less agonizing. more flattering. cherish with a new born feather wings and hum "even if the sun refused to shine, even if romance ran out of rhyme. you would still have my heart until the end of time..."

Love is giving somebody the power to destroy you but trusting them not to. it's not that i do not trust you. but how could i trust you when i couldn't even trust myself? you never let me go deeper and i never rip down my mask. it just doesn't work this way...

still... could you be trusted?
Nsxon x

1 banana peels:

Marlon Joel Martin said...

something bothering u?
if u want a talk just let me know =)

Boonono - Not Your Average Banana |