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Rejected Bar Celona

Hit the club in Barcelona after the party
got a seat at the V.I.P
Trying to get enough drink in the system
ask them where they at, don't know
don't care, won't care
Hit the dance floor, got the ice scorching
Music thrashing, Light blazing
loosen up by Benvenuti nel mondo Bacardi
sending the nerve down the spine
Every move seemed so familiar yet exotic
dance, dance all the hassle away
Whose body, Whose lips
don't care, don't care
Till the throbbing head knocked you down
got back up, it's 4 a.m.
and you are still not entirely mine

the darkness shall be the light
and the stillness, be the dancing
Nsxon x

3 banana peels:

Marlon Joel Martin said...

who u want to be intirely yours??
had lot of fun at the club. ^^

Dullahan Izhim said...

It's like your affection and feelings are being used with merely half a reply....

then you ask yourself!

is it worth pursuing?

then you ponder!

what to do next?

then the finale!

Did I do the right thing?


Time wasted, lesson gained...

Christine Ichigo said...

hit the club again !!!!! =p

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